Welcome to 

Welcome to Sing It Loud! an educational and interactive site that teaches and strengthens your vocal skill.

Many of us may have our favorite artists or a favorite song to whom we love to listen or sing. We tend to sing in the car, shower, to our loved ones, or even in our minds while we are humming the songs. Vocal music has been introduced in our lives ever since we were young, and we use music to express ourselves. In this site, you will be able to find your voice and learn about different factors that contribute to vocal capability. We can grow and become great singers just by training our voices.
The mission for this site:
To provide lessons to increase a student's ability to sing and perform. By the end, you will be able to advance your knowledge on how to improve your vocal strength and also increase your confidence.

Media Comparison Research of “The Lion King”

The media empire has expanded over the last decades, and new forms of media have spawned due to the advancements of society. Media holds an essential place in our society today, and many people use different types of media to either be informed, entertained, or be persuaded. It is known that since evolution has occurred…
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Infographic Assignment- Coltan

Description: Coltan is one the most valuable items known to mankind. However, since it is so valuable, many unfortunate events occurred due to this item. In this infographic, this will inform you on everything you need to know about Coltan. Citation https://uwaterloo.ca/earth-sciences-museum/resources/detailed-rocks-and-minerals-articles/coltan https://www.congoweek.org/en/coltan-facts.html

Video Assignment- How To Be Healthy In College

Reflection While my teammates and I were brainstorming about what our video should be about, we wanted to inform others, especially college students, about something important. As a result, we created an informational video connecting to the topic of how to deal with stress. The reason why we chose this topic was that we noticed…
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Webby Award Critique: Reuters.com/ Ocean Shock

The Webby Award is a prestige award that honors the best in the spectrum of the internet. The Webby Awards provides awards to different categories such as websites, videos, advertisements, media & PR, apps, mobile, and voice, social, podcasts, and games. By the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences, a combination of technology innovators…
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Audio Voice Letters- the predecessor of Voice-Mail

“Hi! Sorry I am not available at the moment. Please leave your message after the beep………..BEEEPPP” In today’s day of age, it is so easy to communicate with each-other just with a simple phone call. What if you missed a call? Well you can always send that person a voicemail and they will get back…
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Online Content Evaluation- What America Ate

The internet world is a vast world filled with websites that pertain to different resources or purposes. While many sites are successful due to its designs, content, audience feedback, and accessibility, some sites may be missing a key ingredient in website making or failed to be aware of the rules of website development. As I…
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Work Cited “_1140765” by jeangui111 is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Digital Identity Mapping

I hold many identities within the digital world. When going through the mapping process of where my online identities are categorized, it was fascinating to see all the different apps and sources I use favourably on one page. It is eye-opening to see how I am impacted by the internet and how it had made…
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Audience Exercise

High School Senior Hey! I heard you are contemplating about your college choice! It is a huge step into your future and it may be confusing. I am going to share with you 5 reasons why SUNY Oswego is the place to go. The community is very inclusive and the environment is welcoming. If you…
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